ORGL Leadership Plan 



You have almost completed the Master's in Organization & Leadership program. 

Now you get the chance to wrap up your hard work and present it in a personal way with the Presentation portfolio side of the Foliotek system. Your portfolio should be a showcase of your work, your personality, and evidence of your leadership development.

There are two different ways to approach your final capstone portfolio: use the Assessment portfolio as the structure or start with a blank Presentation portfolio template. Here is a questions to help you make that choice:
Have I added a lot of content to the Assessment side throughout the ORGL program?
Yes - base the capstone on the assessment portfolio
No - start with a blank template - note that any content added to the Assessment side will be available to use in your Presentation portfolio

Creating a Presentation Portfolio

This video will introduce you to the Presentation side of Foliotek and discuss options for creating, editing, and sharing your capstone portfolio: [13:35]

Steps to Start a New Portfolio

Click on the plus [+] sign on the Home or ePortfolio page to start a new portfolio
  1. Select  a layout from the carousel of thumbnails
  2. Select the ORGL Leadership Plan template - to pull over the portfolio structure and content from the Assessment portfolio or select the Blank template to build the structure from scratch 
  3. Enter a name for the portfolio
  4. Click the large check-mark


Now it is time to add content to your portfolio!
Foliotek will give you a quick tour around the editing features when you start your first portfolio. This tour, along with advanced help, is always available by clicking on the question mark in the header menu (top, right).
You will find some extra help in this portfolio:

Your professors may provide more detailed instructions for the digital portfolio project, and you will find some instructions attached within the portfolio itself, but here is a set of general instructions for you to reference as you complete your ORGL Leadership Plan portfolio: ORGL LP Portfolio Instructions  

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