ORGL Leadership Plan 


Access your Foliotek account

Through Blackboard
  1. Locate the Foliotek account link within a Blackboard course - In the ORGL 605 course you will find the link in the middle of the Course Resources page
  2. Click on the link and Foliotek will open to your account - note: the first time you access your account it may ask you to create a password, you will not need it next time
If you do not have a link in Blackboard, or you are not currently registered for a Blackboard course, you can log in to Foliotek directly from the website. To get your username & password (they are not the same as your GU account):
  1. go to in your favorite web browser - we do not recommend iE
  2. click on the 'Forgot your username or password?' link
  3. enter your Zagmail email address and click the Email reset link button
  4. you will receive an email with your username and the option to create a password 


When you graduate, you will want to export your files repository from Foliotek as well as all portfolio structures you create in the program. 
If you would like to continue to use Foliotek after you finish the ORGL program, you get the Gonzaga Alum discounted price of $8 per year.


Visit the tabs at the top of this portfolio to view videos, tips, and contact information.
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