ORGL Leadership Plan 

Introduction to Foliotek

Overall Process

The basic steps of the ORGL portfolio are to:
  • Collect content, reflections, and evidence of growth in the Assessment portfolio structure of Foliotek - the organized filing structure that will follow you through the full ORGL program
  • Create a capstone portfolio by transferring the Assessment structure and content over to a Presentation portfolio where you can make it polished, graphic, and personalized
  • Share the Presentation portfolio with your instructors, mentors, and others

Starting with Foliotek

Let's start with the Assessment side that has been designed with places for you to reflect on the ORGL program and to organize content to help you prepare for the capstone. It will also act as a backup for all of your evidence and hard work.

Please watch this video as an introduction to the Assessment side of Foliotek  [7:45]:

Your professors may provide more detailed instructions for the digital portfolio project, and you will find some instructions attached within the portfolio itself, but here is a set of general instructions for you to reference as you complete your ORGL Leadership portfolio: ORGL LP Portfolio Instructions  
The time, effort, and content that you add to the Assessment portfolio will help prepare you for the Capstone final project and portfolio.

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